Results for 'Hassanzadeh Isfahani Zahra Bozorg Nezhad Hossain'

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  1. A survey on the effect of religious values rates on aggressiveness of shahed high schools 'students of martyrs, war injured soldiers and normal students in tehran city in 2009-2010'.Hassanzadeh Isfahani Zahra Bozorg Nezhad Hossain - 2010 - Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 3 (6):169-183.
  2.  24
    Self-care strategies in response to nurses’ moral injury during COVID-19 pandemic.Fahmida Hossain & Ariel Clatty - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):23-32.
    These are strange and unprecedented times in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most frontline healthcare professionals have never witnessed anything like this before. As a result, staff may experience numerous and continuous traumatic events, which in many instances, will negatively affect their psychological well-being. Particularly, nurses face extraordinary challenges in response to shifting protocols, triage, shortages of resources, and the astonishing numbers of patients who require care in expedited time constraints. As most healthcare workers are passionate nursing professionals, frustration (...)
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  3.  31
    Gendered morality: classical Islamic ethics of the self, family, and society.Zahra M. S. Ayubi - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Gendered Morality offers a textual-critical examination of gender in Islamic metaphysics and virtue ethics. Through a close reading of how masculinity and femininity are constructed, the book argues that the historically contingent nature of gender hierarchy, characterized as Islamic and ethical, is at odds with the overarching goal of Islamic ethics as earthly justice. Because the book moves beyond the typical Qur'anic and jurisprudence-based discourses about women's status, it makes a lasting contribution to our understanding of gender in the ethical (...)
  4.  43
    Regulating animals with gene drive systems: lessons from the regulatory assessment of a genetically engineered mosquito.Zahra Meghani & Jennifer Kuzma - 2018 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 5 (S1).
    For the purposes of conservation or suppression of species, gene drive technology has significant potential. Theoretically speaking, with the release of even relatively few animals with gene drive systems in an ecosystem, beneficial or harmful genes could be introduced into the entire wild-type population of that species. Given the profound impact that gene drives could have on species and ecosystems, their use is a highly contentious issue. Communities and groups have differing beliefs about nature and its conservation or preservation, as (...)
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  5.  62
    Do LGBT Workplace Diversity Policies Create Value for Firms?Mohammed Hossain, Muhammad Atif, Ammad Ahmed & Lokman Mia - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):775-791.
    We show that the U.S. anti-discriminatory laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation and gender identity identities) spur innovation, which ultimately leads to higher firm performance. We use the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index of 398 U.S. firms between 2011 and 2014, and find a significantly positive relationship between CEI and firm innovation. We also find that an interacting effect of CEI and firm innovation leads to higher firm performance. We use our understanding of Rawls’ Theory (...)
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  6. Risk assessment of genetically modified food and neoliberalism: An argument for democratizing the regulatory review protocol of the Food and Drug Administration.Zahra Meghani - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):967–989.
    The primary responsibility of the US Food and Drug Administration is to protect public health by ensuring the safety of the food supply. To that end, it sometimes conducts risk assessments of novel food products, such as genetically modified food. The FDA describes its regulatory review of GM food as a purely scientific activity, untainted by any normative considerations. This paper provides evidence that the regulatory agency is not justified in making that claim. It is argued that the FDA’s policy (...)
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  7.  44
    Ethics of rationing of nursing care.Zahra Rooddehghan, Zohreh Parsa Yekta & Alireza N. Nasrabadi - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):591-600.
    Background: Rationing of various needed services, for example, nursing care, is inevitable due to unlimited needs and limited resources. Rationing of nursing care is considered an ethical issue since it requires judgment about potential conflicts between personal and professional values. Objectives: The present research sought to explore aspects of rationing nursing care in Iran. Research design: This study applied qualitative content analysis, a method to explore people’s perceptions of everyday life phenomena and interpret the subjective content of text data. Data (...)
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  8. Regulations Matter: Epistemic Monopoly, Domination, Patents, and the Public Interest.Zahra Meghani - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology (tba):1-26.
    This paper argues that regulatory agencies have a responsibility to further the public interest when they determine the conditions under which new technological products may be commercialized. As a case study, this paper analyzes the US 9th Circuit Court’s ruling on the efforts of the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate an herbicide meant for use with seed that are genetically modified to be tolerant of the chemical. Using that case, it is argued that when regulatory agencies evaluate new technological (...)
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  9. Genetically engineered mosquitoes, Zika and other arboviruses, community engagement, costs, and patents: Ethical issues.Zahra Meghani & Christophe Boëte - 2018 - PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7 (12).
    Genetically engineered (GE) insects, such as the GE OX513A Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, have been designed to suppress their wild-type populations so as to reduce the transmission of vector-borne diseases in humans. Apart from the ecological and epidemiological uncertainties associated with this approach, such biotechnological approaches may be used by individual governments or the global community of nations to avoid addressing the underlying structural, systemic causes of those infections... We discuss here key ethical questions raised by the use of GE mosquitoes, (...)
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  10.  51
    Does CEO Risk-Aversion Affect Carbon Emission?Ashrafee Hossain, Samir Saadi & Abu S. Amin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1171-1198.
    Does CEO tolerance to risk affect a firm’s long-run sustainability? Using CEO insider debt holding, we show that CEO’s risk-aversion encourages immoral yet rational decisions of emitting more greenhouse gas thereby adversely affecting the firm’s long-run sustainability. Our result is robust to several endogeneity tests including a quasi-natural experiment. Our finding also suggest that to mitigate potential adverse reactions from stakeholders, carbon emitting firms with risk-averse CEOs tend to spend more on CSR activities. Much of the heterogeneity in our results (...)
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  11.  25
    University freshmen recollect their academic integrity literacy experience during their K-12 years: results of an empirical study.Zakir Hossain - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Academic Integrity Literacy is a critical transdisciplinary skill for academic success but many students do not receive this skill in their K-12 years regardless of their schooling system or characteristics of the community they belong to. Numerous research studies in higher education document that high school graduates lack AIL skills, but hardly any studies attempt to empirically investigate students’ K-12 years AIL education experience. Using a mixed-method approach, this study explores university freshmen’s AIL education experience in their K-12 years, and (...)
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  12.  56
    Equity in nursing care: A grounded theory study.Zahra Rooddehghan, Zohreh ParsaYekta & Alireza N. Nasrabadi - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):598-610.
    Background: Equity in providing care is also a major value in the nursing profession. Equitable care aims to provide the entire population with safe, efficient, reliable, and quality nursing services at all levels of health. Objectives: This study was conducted to explain the process of the realization of equity in nursing care. Research design: This qualitative study uses Glaser’s approach to grounded theory. Participants and research context: Sample selection began with convenience sampling and continued with purposive sampling. A total of (...)
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  13.  10
    The relationship between ethical conflict and nurses’ personal and organisational characteristics.Zahra Saberi, Mohsen Shahriari & Ahmad Reza Yazdannik - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2427-2437.
    Introduction: Critical care nurses work in a complex and stressful environment with diverse norms, values, interactions, and relationships. Therefore, they inevitably experience some levels of ethical conflict. Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of ethical conflict with personal and organizational characteristics among critical care nurses. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted in 2017 on a random sample of 216 critical care nurses. Participants were recruited through stratified random sampling. Data collection tools were a demographic and (...)
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  14.  35
    Factors behind ethical dilemmas regarding physical restraint for critical care nurses.Zahra Salehi, Tahereh Najafi Ghezeljeh, Fatemeh Hajibabaee & Soodabeh Joolaee - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):598-608.
    Background: Physical restraint is among the commonly used methods for ensuring patient safety in intensive care units. However, nurses usually experience ethical dilemmas over using physical restraint because they need to weigh patient autonomy against patient safety. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore factors behind ethical dilemmas for critical care nurses over using physical restraint for patients. Design: This is a qualitative study using conventional content analysis approach, as suggested by Graneheim and Lundman, to analyze the data. (...)
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  15. Autonomy of Nations and Indigenous Peoples and the Environmental Release of Genetically Engineered Animals with Gene Drives.Zahra Meghani - 2019 - Global Policy 10 (4):554-568.
    This article contends that the environmental release of genetically engineered (GE) animals with heritable traits that are patented will present a challenge to the efforts of nations and indigenous peoples to engage in self‐determination. The environmental release of such animals has been proposed on the grounds that they could function as public health tools or as solutions to the problem of agricultural insect pests. This article brings into focus two political‐economic‐legal problems that would arise with the environmental release of such (...)
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  16.  89
    Care for the caregivers? Transnational justice and undocumented non-citizen care workers.Zahra Meghani & Lisa Eckenwiler - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):77-101.
    In recent years, the flow of undocumented labor from the global South to richer nations has increased considerably. Many undocumented women workers find employment as caregivers for the dependent elderly, whose numbers are burgeoning in affluent countries. Here we present a profile of undocumented non-citizen caregivers in the United States and delineate some of the key injustices they suffer. After identifying the causal factors responsible for the flow of undocumented labor from the global South to richer nations like the United (...)
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  17.  23
    (1 other version)Moral distress among healthcare providers and mistrust among patients during COVID‐19 in Bangladesh.Fahmida Hossain - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (4):187-192.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has shaken the world through its first wave, and we have yet to experience the second wave. Even resourceful countries have failed to adequately prevent epidemics in their country, and for countries like Bangladesh, which already has strained an ineffective healthcare system, the challenges to contain the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus are that much more severe. Due to the scarcity of resources and systematic failures the Bangladeshi people deeply mistrust the healthcare system. The mistrust is further magnified as healthcare (...)
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  18.  40
    Redefining liberty: is natural inability a legitimate constraint of liberty?Zahra Ladan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):59-62.
    In P v Cheshire West, Lady Hale stated that an act that would deprive an able-bodied or able-minded person of their liberty would do the same to a mentally or physically disabled person. Throughout the judgement, there is no definition of what liberty is, which makes defining an act that would deprive a person of it difficult. Ideas of liberty are described in terms of political liberty within a society, the state of being free from external influence and individual autonomy. (...)
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  19.  70
    A robust, particularist ethical assessment of medical tourism.Zahra Meghani - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (1):16-29.
    Recently, in increasing numbers, citizens of wealthy nations are heading to poorer countries for medical care. They are traveling to the global South as medical tourists because in their home nations either they cannot get timely medical care or they cannot afford needed treatments. This essay offers a robust, particularist ethical assessment of the practice of citizens of richer nations traveling to poorer countries for healthcare.
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  20.  59
    The US' food and drug administration, normativity of risk assessment, gmos, and american democracy.Zahra Meghani - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (2):125-139.
    The process of risk assessment of biotechnologies, such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), has normative dimensions. However, the US’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seems committed to the idea that such evaluations are objective. This essay makes the case that the agency’s regulatory approach should be changed such that the public is involved in deciding any ethical or social questions that might arise during risk assessment of GMOs. It is argued that, in the US, neither aggregative nor deliberative (representative) democracy (...)
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  21.  29
    Prospect and Challenges of Electronic Journal and Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Scholarships.Shamima Parvin Lasker & Arif Hossain - 2025 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):22-25.
    Until, 1971, articles were not freely accessible to everyone online. Project Gutenberg made the dream a reality. Exorbitant increases in the cost of print journals have forced publishers to reduce their publications and turn them from the print to the electronic journal (e-journal) medium. Higher visibility of Open Access (OA) leads to a higher number of citations, better h-index of authors and the Impact Factor (IF) of journals, which gains the popularity of e-journals. However, authors face a problem in predatory (...)
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  22.  52
    The Ethics of Care as a Universal Framework for Global Journalism.Mohammad Delwar Hossain & James Aucoin - 2018 - Journal of Media Ethics 33 (4):198-211.
    ABSTRACTThe search for universal ethics among journalists has yet to receive general acceptance because previous attempts have sought a code of ethics to which all journalists around the globe could agree. Yet, starting with the universal principle of caring for others leads to seeing the feminist approach to ethics, namely the ethics of care and feminist discursive ethics, as a partial approach toward a universal ethic for journalists. Building on the work of Gilligan, Steiner, Buzzanell and others, we argue that (...)
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  23.  54
    The Hard Sell of Genetically Engineered (GE) Mosquitoes with Gene Drives as the Solution to Malaria: Ethical, Political, Epistemic, and Epidemiological Issues in Global Health Governance.Zahra Meghani - 2020 - In Kristen Intemann & Sharon Crasnow, The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 435-457.
    This chapter analyzes the ‘hard sell’ of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes with gene drives as the solution to mosquito-borne diseases. A defining characteristic of the aggressive sell of the bio-technology is the ‘biologization’ of the significant prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases in certain socio-economically marginalized regions of the global South. Specifically, hard sell narratives either minimize or ignore the structural, systemic factors that are partially responsible for the public health problem that the GE mosquitoes are intended to bio-solve. The biologization of (...)
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  24.  57
    Body mass index of married Bangladeshi women: trends and association with socio-demographic factors.M. G. Hossain, P. Bharati, Saw Aik, Pete E. Lestrel, Almasri Abeer, T. Kamarul, W. Aekplakorn, L. Mo-Suwan, A. N. Al-Isa & H. Bendixen - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (4):385.
  25.  78
    Exploring families' experiences of an organ donation request after brain death.Zahra Sadat Manzari, Eesa Mohammadi, Abbas Heydari, Hamid Reza Aghamohammadian Sharbaf, Mohammad Jafar Modabber Azizi & Ebrahim Khaleghi - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):654-665.
    This qualitative research study with a content analysis approach aimed to explore families’ experiences of an organ donation request after brain death. Data were collected through 38 unstructured and in-depth interviews with 14 consenting families and 12 who declined to donate organs. A purposeful sampling process began in October 2009 and ended in October 2010. Data analysis reached 10 categories and two major themes were listed as: 1) serenity in eternal freedom; and 2) resentful grief. The central themes were peace (...)
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  26. The “Revolving Door” between Regulatory Agencies and Industry: A Problem That Requires Reconceptualizing Objectivity.Zahra Meghani & Jennifer Kuzma - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (6):575-599.
    There is a “revolving door” between federal agencies and the industries regulated by them. Often, at the end of their industry tenure, key industry personnel seek employment in government regulatory entities and vice versa. The flow of workers between the two sectors could bring about good. Industry veterans might have specialized knowledge that could be useful to regulatory bodies and former government employees could help businesses become and remain compliant with regulations. But the “revolving door” also poses at least three (...)
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  27.  44
    Understanding Communication of Sustainability Reporting: Application of Symbolic Convergence Theory.Mohammed Hossain, Md Tarikul Islam, Mahmood Ahmed Momin, Shamsun Nahar & Md Samsul Alam - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):563-586.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature of rhetoric and rhetorical strategies that are implicit in the standalone sustainability reporting of the top 24 companies of the Fortune 500 Global. We adopt Bormann’s :396–407, 1972) SCT framework to study the rhetorical situation and how corporate sustainability reporting messages can be communicated to the audience. The SCT concepts in the sustainability reporting’s communication are subject to different types of legitimacy strategies that are used by corporations as a validity (...)
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    Values, technologies, and epistemology.Zahra Meghani - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):25-34.
    The aim of this paper is to make possible dialogue between those who claim that technologies are coded with social, political, or ethical values and those who argue that they are value-neutral. To demonstrate the relevance of this bridge-building project, the controversy regarding agrifood biotechnology will be used as a case study. Drawing on work by L. H. Nelson about the nature of human knowledge-building enterprises and E. F. Kittay’s account of the relationally-constituted self, the argument will be made that (...)
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  29. On “Self-Realization” – The Ultimate Norm of Arne Naess’s Ecosophy T.Md Munir Hossain Talukder - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (2):219-235.
    This paper considers the foundation of self-realization and the sense of morality that could justify Arne Naess’s claim ‘Self-realization is morally neutral,’ by focusing on the recent debate among deep ecologists. Self-realization, the ultimate norm of Naess’s ecosophy T, is the realization of the maxim ‘everything is interrelated.’ This norm seems to be based on two basic principles: the diminishing of narrow ego, and the integrity between the human and non-human worlds. The paper argues that the former is an extension (...)
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  30.  35
    A Study to Elicit Behavioral Health Patients' and Providers' Opinions on Health Records Consent.Maria Adela Grando, Anita Murcko, Srividya Mahankali, Michael Saks, Michael Zent, Darwyn Chern, Christy Dye, Richard Sharp, Laura Young, Patricia Davis, Megan Hiestand & Neda Hassanzadeh - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):238-259.
    A main objective of this study is to assess the opinions of 50 behavioral health patients on selective control over their behavioral and physical health information. We explored patients' preferences regarding current consent models, what health information should be shared for care and research and whether these preferences vary based on the sensitivity of health information and/or the type of provider involved. The other objective of this study was to solicit opinions of 8 behavioral health providers on patient-driven granular control (...)
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    (1 other version)Military metaphors and pandemic propaganda: unmasking the betrayal of ‘Healthcare Heroes’.Zahra Khan, Yoshiko Iwai & Sayantani DasGupta - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):643-644.
    Dr Caitríona L Cox’s recent article expounds the far-reaching implications of the ‘Healthcare Hero’ metaphor. She presents a detailed overview of heroism in the context of clinical care, revealing that healthcare workers, when portrayed as heroes, face challenges in reconciling unreasonable expectations of personal sacrifice without reciprocity or ample structural support from institutions and the general public. We use narrative medicine, a field primarily concerned with honouring the intersubjective narratives shared between patients and providers, in our attempt to deepen the (...)
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  32.  30
    Political Corruption and Cost of Equity.Lawrence Kryzanowski & Ashrafee Tanvir Hossain - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):2060-2098.
    Using U.S. Department of Justice data on state-level political corruption, we find that, consistent with the Harmful Corruption Environment Hypothesis (HCEH), firms situated in states with higher levels of corruption incur higher costs of equity (CoEs). These results are robust for additional controls, propensity score matching, use of instrumental variables, exogenous shocks, and alternate measures for main dependent and primary independent research variables. Our study extends the stream of literature that investigates the influence of local ethical or trust factors on (...)
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  33.  45
    Genetically Engineered Animals, Drugs, and Neoliberalism: The Need for a New Biotechnology Regulatory Policy Framework.Zahra Meghani - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (6):715-743.
    Genetically engineered animals that are meant for release in the wild could significantly impact ecosystems given the interwoven or entangled existence of species. Therefore, among other things, it is all too important that regulatory agencies conduct entity appropriate, rigorous risk assessments that can be used for informed decision-making at the local, national and global levels about the release of those animals in the wild. In the United States, certain GE animals that are intended for release in the wild may be (...)
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    Background and work experience correlates of the ethics and effect of organizational politics.Shaker A. Zahra - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):419 - 423.
    Empirical studies exploring managerial views of organizational politics (OP) are scarce. Furthermore, the literature is replete with inconsistent results regarding the correlates of OP. In this paper, data collected from 302 managers were used to examine the association between seven background and work experience variables and managerial attitudes regarding the ethics, locus, affect of OP on the organization, and the motives behind political maneuvering in the workplace. The results, however, show that association between managers' background and work experience factors and (...)
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  35. Qalandariyat: Marginality in the Negative Aesthetics of Sufi Poetry.Zahra Rashid - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):1-17.
    A major part of Ordinary Aesthetics has been to include the traditionally marginalized aesthetic categories excluded when studying beauty, truth, and goodness. These “negative aesthetics” are implicated in the construction, presentation, and sustenance of marginalized identities. For the purposes of my article, I will be focusing on the effort to incorporate the aforementioned in the study of aesthetics, essentially arguing for them to be inherently valuable and not for the sake of producing a “positive.” To this end and keeping up (...)
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    Self Knowledge and its Relationship with Rationality; Defending Richard Moran’s Transparency Theory.Zahra Sarkarpour - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 22 (1):53-77.
    Introduction The discussion of “self-knowledge” as a philosophical issue begins with an intuition. This intuition is based on the fact that our knowledge of our mental states or our knowledge in relation to statements like: “I know that I am happy,” is a particular knowledge that is distinct from the rest of our knowledge. It seems that in order to gain knowledge of ourselves, we do not need to go through those processes that we go through in order to gain (...)
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  37. Nafas: Breath Ontology in Rumi's Poetry.Zahra Rashid - 2023 - Poligrafi 28 (111/112):121-41.
    For the sake of a respiratory philosophy, it makes sense to look to the East, since many Eastern traditions such as Sufism include breathwork in their somatic practices. In my paper, I aim to show how Rumi – a 13th century Muslim theologian and Sufi – used breath or nafas in his Persian poetry to outline how breathing is an originary phenomenon. My paper will take a few samples of his poetry to demonstrate how breath connotes a newness through the (...)
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  38. Daniel Dennett’s and Sam Harris’ Confrontation on the Problem of Free Will.Zahra Khazaei, Nancey Murphy & Tayyebe Gholami - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 22 (2):27-48.
    This paper seeks to explain and evaluate, by an analytic method, the conflict between determinism and free will from the viewpoint of two physicalist reductionist philosophers, namely, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris. Dennett is a compatibilist philosopher who tries to show compatibility between determinism and free will, while Sam Harris is a non-compatibilist philosopher who turns to determinism with the thesis that our thoughts and actions have been pre-determined by the neurobiological events associated with them, and thus, considers free will (...)
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    Metrics for Assessing Overall Performance of Inland Waterway Ports: A Bayesian Network Based Approach.Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain, Farjana Nur, Raed Jaradat, Seyedmohsen Hosseini, Mohammad Marufuzzaman, Stephen M. Puryear & Randy K. Buchanan - 2019 - Complexity 2019 (1):3518705.
    Because ports are considered to be the heart of the maritime transportation system, thereby assessing port performance is necessary for a nation’s development and economic success. This study proposes a novel metric, namely, “_port performance index (PPI)_”, to determine the overall performance and utilization of inland waterway ports based on six criteria,_ port facility, port availability, port economics, port service, port connectivity, and port environment_. Unlike existing literature, which mainly ranks ports based on quantitative factors, this study utilizes a Bayesian (...)
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    (1 other version)Should Methodological Naturalists Commit to Metaphysical Naturalism?Zahra Zargar, Ebrahim Azadegan & Lotfollah Nabavi - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-9.
    It is widely supposed that methodological naturalism, understood as a thesis about the methodology of science, is metaphysically neutral, and that this in turn guarantees the value-neutrality of science. In this paper we argue that methodological naturalism is underpinned by certain ontological and epistemological assumptions including evidentialism and the causal closure of the physical, adoption of which necessitates commitment to metaphysical naturalism.
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  41. Regulation of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes as a public health tool: a public health ethics analysis.Zahra Meghani - 2022 - Globalization and Health 1 (18):1-14.
    In recent years, genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes have been proposed as a public health measure against the high incidence of mosquito-borne diseases among the poor in regions of the global South. While uncertainties as well as risks for humans and ecosystems are entailed by the open-release of GE mosquitoes, a powerful global health governance non-state organization is funding the development of and advocating the use of those bio-technologies as public health tools. In August 2016, the US Food and Drug Agency (...)
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    The mediating effect of ethical climate on religious orientation and ethical behavior.Zahra Marzieh Hassanian & Arezoo Shayan - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1114-1127.
    Background: Nurses’ behavior in Educational-Medical centers is very important for improving the condition of patients. Ethical climate represents the ethical values and behavioral expectations. Attitude of people toward religion is both intrinsic and extrinsic. Different ethical climates and attitude toward religion could be associated with nurses’ behavior. Aim: To study the mediating effect of ethical climate on religious orientation and ethical behaviors of nurses. Research design: In an exploratory analysis study, the path analysis method was used to identify the effective (...)
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  43. Death: Ethical, Medical and Theological Interconnectedness.Shamima Parvin Lasker & Arif Hossain - 2021 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 12 (2):1-9.
    Death is a biological phenomenon, define as the permanent and irreversible cessation of all biological functions of a being. Many people are afraid of discussing, thinking, or planning their own deaths because of we do not know about death and why death occur. If we know what is death we can think for planning our life, preparing a will, or deciding whether we will remain home or seek help before death. Moreover, after death, we transfer to another world passing out (...)
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    Institutional Ethical Review Board (IERB): concept & contect.Md Humayun Kabir Talukder, Md Zakir Hossain, Nasrin Ahkter & Ismat Ara Perveen - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2 (2):24-25.
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    Anti-Racism in Clinical Ethics Fellowships: Rising to the Occasion.Ryan Dougherty, Fahmida Hossain & Debjani Mukherjee - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):48-50.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 48-50.
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  46. Effect of Dominance on Atherosclerosis.Shamima Lasker, Zahid Hossain, M. R. Sarker, Labud Sultana & Lutfun Nessa - 2002 - Bangladesh Hear Journal 17 (2):57-61.
    Coronary arteries were studied on 110 postmortem human hearts during January 2000 to December 2001 in the department of Anatomy and Microbiology, Bangladesh Medical College to observed. The pattern of coronary dominance and its relation with atherosclerosis was observed. Atherosclerosis was found in 49(44.5%) samples, among which 37(56.%) were from male and 12(26.7%) from female hearts. This difference was significant (P<0.01). Right dominance was observed in 72 (65.5%) cases while 17 (15.5%) had left dominance and 21 (19.1%) had balanced type (...)
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    Organizational politics and the strategic process.Shaker A. Zahra - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (7):579 - 587.
    In this paper the relationship between organizational politics (OP), and company strategy and performance was explored. Data were collected from 55 manufacturing firms. Controlling for company assets and industry type, OP intensity was associated with various stages of the strategic process. In addition, it was negatively associated with overall company performance. These results were corroborated by canonical analysis. Another important finding was that the stage of company evolution moderates the OP-strategic process relationship. Finally, future research directions and implications for managerial (...)
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  48. Knowledge and attitude of ethics committee (EC) members on bioethics and structure & function of EC in Bangladesh: A pilot study.Shamima Parvin Lasker, Arif Hossain & M. A. Shakoor - February 2019 - In Dr Saiful Islam, Policy Brief, Hard copy. PMR, Directorate General of Health Services. pp. 1-8.
    Having scandalous unethical research practices in the mid and late 20th century, study protocols of biomedical research reviewed by the Ethics Committee (EC) has become the accepted international standard. The Declaration of Helsinki uniformly requires that all biomedical research involving human participants, including research on identifiable human material or data, should be approved by the EC. Today, concerns over the quality of the EC functions worldwide. There are research globally in this regard but no data are available from Bangladesh. Hence, (...)
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    Dialogical Validity of Religious Measures in Iran: Relationships with Integrative Self-Knowledge and Self-Control of the “Perfect Man”.Zahra Rezazadeh, P. J. Watson, Christopher J. L. Cunningham & Nima Ghorbani - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (1):93-113.
    According to the ideological surround model of research, a more “objective” psychology of religion requires efforts to bring etic social scientific and emic religious perspectives into formal dialog. This study of 245 Iranian university students illustrated how the dialogical validity of widely used etic measures of religion can be assessed by examining an emic religious perspective on psychology. Integrative Self-Knowledge and Self-Control Scales recorded two aspects of the “Perfect Man” as described by the Iranian Muslim philosopher Mortazā Motahharī. Use of (...)
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    Demographic factors in iran's economic development.Salehi-Isfahani Djavad - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67 (2).
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